Securing Employment in the USA: Tips for Brazilian Citizens

As a point of reference, on January 24, 2022, the Brazilian National Immigration Council released Normative Resolution No. 45, which was meant to set rules for the temporary work visas given to foreigners who will work for a foreign company from Brazil ("digital nomad visa"). According to this normative decision, a "digital nomad" is a foreign worker who can do work for a foreign company from Brazil using information and communication technologies. These workers are also known as "digital nomads." This digital nomad visa work visa can be applied for in two ways: (i) while the foreign worker is still outside of Brazil (i.e., before coming to Brazil); or (ii) while the foreign worker is already in Brazil. How to apply for a visa depends on the option you choose, but the following items are required Declaration that says the person can do their job from home using ICT (information and communication technologies); Employment or services agreement or any oth...